
Showing posts from October, 2017

Ginger Root Heals Ailments

Ginger root offers you a lot of benefits, including the ability to treat headaches and common colds.  One of the most common uses of ginger root is the treatment of an upset stomach, something we all know and hate. Ancient civilizations have used the vitamin in both cooking and medicine form.  Although the technology back then wasn’t close to what it is today, the ancient civilizations knew that ginger root would help prevent ailments ranging from motion sickness to athlete’s foot.  With ginger root having anti-inflammatory properties, it can also make the pain of rheumatoid arthritis less intense.  Women that drink ginger tea have said that it helps them eliminate menstrual cramps completely. What many people don’t know, is the fact that ginger root isn’t really classified as a root, but instead an underground stem.  Even though it is a very useful herb and supplement, it is harvested year round just like the hawthorne berry.  The harvests, which a...

Health: The Importance of Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise

Health:  The Importance of Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise Are you a woman who is interested in losing weight?  If you are, you are not alone.  In the United States, a large number of women are concerned with health and beauty related issues, including those pertaining to weight.  While it is often a lot easier said than done, it is more than possible for you to lose weight and to lose weight “naturally.”  If you are interested in losing weight “naturally,” without the assistance of weight loss pills, you will want to continue reading on. What you need to know about losing weight naturally is that it requires quite a bit of hard work and restraint on your part.  The two most important components of losing weight are exercise and healthy eating.  Without these two components of weight loss, there is a good chance that you will not lose any weight, in fact, you may keep on gaining more.  When it comes to eating healthy, there are ma...

Yoga and Meditation as Preventative Medicine

Yoga and Meditation as Preventative Medicine Every one of us has probably used the reasoning that we do not have time for exercise and eating right, much less for yoga or meditation. For many of us, thoughts of meditating probably bring images of the kids running around after the dog, the doorbell ringing, and a loud noise somewhere in the background, as we try to go into meditative state. However, those reasons may be the exact reasons why we need to consider yoga and meditation as preventative medicine in the first place. Incorporating yoga and meditation as preventative medicine is just like adding anything else to our to-do list. However, this is not only something that needs to get done, but something that should get done as it benefits us in so many ways. There are several ways to incorporate yoga and meditation as preventative medicine. The Buddy System You would not have to search far or long to find a buddy who is in need of some serious de-stressing, relaxation,...